sábado, 2 de julio de 2016


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Transitive verbs have both active and passive forms:
active passive
The hunter killed the lion.>>The lion was killed by the hunter.
Someone has cleaned the windows>>The windows have been cleaned

The passive forms are made up of the verb be with a past participle:
 bepast participle 
Englishisspokenall over the world
The windowshave beencleaned 
Lunchwas beingserved 
The workwill befinishedsoon
Theymight have beeninvitedto the party
We can use phrasal verbs in the passive:

active passive
They called off the meeting.>>The meeting was called off.
His grandmother looked after him.>>He was looked after by his grandmother.
They will send him away to school.>>He will be sent away to school.
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